We have moved!

Regular readers of our social media will know we’ve been busy. Busy making plans we’ve been unable to talk about until today – that we’ve moved to a brand new, 5,000sq ft workshop. This is a huge step forward for our business. We had outgrown our previous home both in terms of the space we need and the facilities it offered – our new HQ is both bigger and better, allowing for Copthorne Classics to grow in line with customer demand.

So what’s new? The building is brand new and fully insulated, which means perfect conditions for your classic Jaguar or Aston Martin when it comes to visit. We have space for four ramps and four restoration bays, which means we can work on more of your maintenance, servicing and longer-term restoration projects. We are also building a new, larger engine room and now have space for an in-house machine shop.

We’ve a little more work to do to make the space perfect, but are planning a launch event for Spring. Spaces for this will be limited, so please register your interest now via our contact page if you wish to join us – and, of course, bring along your classic. More details on this soon.

Despite the settling in, our new workshop is open for business as usual. Please do drop by (or book an appointment via our contact form) if you wish to see it for yourself. Otherwise, we are taking bookings for customer vehicles from May/June.


MGB GT service